
millie weaver

think about it

Millennial Millie Show - March 24, 2021

BREAKING UPDATE-- James O'Keefe and Project Veritas Release MORE PHOTOS of Kids in Cages at Biden Holding Facilities - 50 with Coronavirus (VIDEO)

Pleiadians~How Orions Destroyed Atlantis | Maldek + Martian War & Spirit...

3/23/2021 - "Get Ready America"! False Flags? US Mint Cancels orders!

3/22/2021 - Big Tech mind games! They won't take away our dreams!

They're Here & Making Themselves Known, Definitive Disclosure, Ralph Blu...

Ronald Bernard - Full lecture It's in our hands - Subs available

And we know

Self Destruction Will Immediately Show The World The TRUTH, It Had To Happen – Ep. 2433