SCAM CALL20 Jul 2021 | 7 replies
Received incoming call from 507-632-6969. Phone flagged as spam. 57 seconds, loan scammer. Transcript as follows, "This is Mary Fletcher state number, Hello this is Mary Fletcher state number agent number FF694 and this a notification call from US Department of Financial Relief Services, and the purpose of this call is to inform all US citizens on our state list that have past debt about the new Zero Tax Owed Debt Relief Program that was recently put into effect by the Biden Administration and is open for enrollment. The new Zero Tax Owed Debt Relief program will allow you to significantly reduce or eliminate altogether your tax debt, as it is now considered temporarily non-collectible. However you must elect to enroll into the program as it is only open for a very limited time. So to enroll in the Zero Owed Tax Debt Forgiveness Program please call me back at my state assigned number 855-292-7416 this message has been marked complete by Mary Fletcher agent number FF694. Thank You."
Reported and blocked from phone and complaint filed with FTC as fraudulent robocall.
Caller: Mary Fletcher, agent FF694


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