White Hats on Monday arrested an unnamed Pennsylvania election official involved in tallying ballots with missing or incorrect dates or signatures. This follows the state Supreme Court’s ruling that improperly completed ballots could not be counted toward either candidate’s total—Senator-elect Dave McCormick (R) and Bob Casey (D).
The Keystone State became embroiled in the contentious recount after Casey lost the election by approximately 17,000 votes but refused to concede the race, claiming the margin of defeat (0.5%) was sufficient to initiate an automatic recount. But the RNC, wise to the Democrats’ dirty tricks playbook, claimed a recount would waste time and taxpayer money and allow Democrats to tally ineligible ballots in counties ignoring the state Supreme Court’s decision. Another prickly point was Casey’s financial relationship with Democratic commissioner Ellis-Marseglia and Democratic Bucks County commissioner Bob Harvie, both of whom donated to Casey’s campaign, suggesting a conflict of interest and apparent impropriety. In response the RNC filed lawsuits in four Pennsylvania counties, hoping to stop the unconstitutional recount what would otherwise end on November 26.
A source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News that White Hats began investigating the recount after receiving a tip claiming that an employee in Harvie’s office, said to be a 34-year-old Black female, had squirreled away 500 fraudulent ballots, which she would introduce on November 24 if the recount was still favoring McCormick. The tipster, our source said, had precise details, such as the suspect concealing the ballots in a lock box in a hall closet at her home. The tip prompted White Hats to further investigate the person, with U.S. Army Cyber Command analyzing her social media footprint and discovering she was an avid hater of all Republicans.
Gen. Smtih, our source said, consulted with Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall, who said there was probable cause to arrest and question the woman and search her residence for the alleged ballots.
The general tasked allies at the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) to conduct the arrest and search.
“CID’s been in Pennsylvania since the election; fraud there was so widespread, particularly Bucks County, and that’s where the person of interest lives. The agents went there Monday night,” our source said, adding that Adm. Crandall authorized a “no knock” warrant in hopes that CID would surprise the woman before she could dispose of evidence.
When CID breached her front door with a battering ram, the woman, described as grossly obese, raised herself from the permanent cavity her bulky form had imprinted on her sofa, grabbed a meowing cat sitting on the armrest and hurled it at the first agent through the door. She tried to waddle away, murmuring, “It’s true. It’s true. Trump is coming after us.”
CID tased her, and she hit the floor with a thud.
After restraining her, the agents methodically searched the home and found the lockbox beneath a pile of filthy clothes in the hall closet. When the agents asked about the box’s contents, she said it held priceless family heirlooms—her deceased grandmother’s wedding ring, family photographs, etc. She refused to give up the key, which CID could not find. So, CID forcibly opened the box and saw it held only the fraudulent ballots. The woman’s expressive eyes flashed open wildly, and she said, “I don’t know what that is. You must have put it there.”
She was immediately arrested on charges of intent to commit election fraud and treason, as she was a public official.
Our source said White Hats have high hopes the woman will spill the beans to save her own skin by implicating whoever instructed her to hide the ballots.
Asked about the time, our source said, “It’s coincidental. Nothing more. We’ll reveal the person once the investigation finishes.”
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